
Hello, I’m passionate rust blockchain developer interested in working on problems based on defi and distributed systems.

In addition to my technical skills, I also capable of working in management, marketing and community management roles at startups companies and growth-stage companies.

This has provided me with a well-rounded perspective on various aspects of business operations, and I’m confident that I can leverage my experience to bring value to your team. I’m open to opportunities in US and EU time zones.

Projects :

Skills :

Programming Languages: Rust, TypeScript, Solidity, C/C++.  
Frontend: Html, Css, React, NextJs  
Design Libraries: Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Chakra UI  
Blockchain Framework : Anchor, Hardhat, Ink!  
Backend: Axum-Rust, NodeJS, Express, Axios  
Databases: MongoDB, Postgres  
Other: Git, Github, Linux,  Figma, Canva, Solana Playground, Remix